Wednesday, September 15, 2010

5 Months ~ 5 Pounds

When I was earlier in my pregnancy, I remember the doctor using the doppler, but it took a few minutes to detect the heartbeat.  Not today. Today was my 21 week check up.  I heard her heartbeat and it immediately registered.  The midwife joked that I'm definitely pregnant.

21 Week Fetal Pic
I was very surprised to hear that I've only gained 5 pounds so far.  I would have thought that I gained 5 pounds in my boobs alone!  I'm open to gaining any normal baby weight that comes with this whole process, but I must admit that I do have a personal max that I will allow myself.  Not that I can prohibit it, but I would probably become more conscious about what I eat. From this week on, the books say that I should start gaining a pound a week.  So by my calculation, I should gain 20 - 25 pounds.  I'm good with that!  According to the Baby Center article, it states the following:

  • Over halfway there, and you're probably showing now. Your uterus is about 1/2 inch above your belly button. The average weight gain is between 10 and 15 pounds at this point. If you're eating a healthy diet, don't count pounds and calories too strictly. Emotionally, you're probably feeling more stable and comfortable.

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