Thursday, March 3, 2011

5 Week Check Up

I'm glad to report that little JSL is in perfect health and steadily growing!

Today we visited her pediatrician, Dr. Chyree Thomas (who I adore)! She's an African-American female at John's Hopkins Community Physicians and their office is literally 5 minutes from my house!  We definitely lucked up in this area to find EXACTLY what we wanted in a ped for her.

I don't remember if I mentioned, but since JSL was only 6lbs 3 oz when she was born, by the time she left the hospital she was 5lbs 10oz.  But by the time she had her 1st doctor's appt. she was 5lbs 6oz because my milk had not come in yet and I was exclusively breastfeeding.  So, because Dr. Thomas didn't want her to lose anymore weight, we supplemented formula for 4 days until my milk came in.

Here's the pic of her being fed at 4 days old, via a syringe, so as to not create nipple confusion for her since I wanted her to exclusively nurse.

I nursed and supplemented 30mL of Similac.  After initiating the Similac supplement, she was up to 6lbs and 7oz in only 3 days!  This is why our lovely FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, advocates breastfeeding to reduce childhood obesity...but I digress!

So on with her stats!
  • Head circumference - 36cm (25th percentile)
  • Weight - 8lbs 13oz (25th percentile)
  • Length - 21.5in (75th percentile)
If her stats continue to follow this pattern, she'll be a tall and skinny little something!

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