Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Gift of Nighttime Sleep

The book, Babywise, was recommended to me by several working moms and I finally got around to reading the book.  I must say, I'm in love with the structure that the book outlines and it forces me to have the discipline to execute it!  I won't give away every detail of the book, but the premise outlines a schedule of feed/activity/sleep and by 7 - 9 weeks, baby JSL should be on her way to sleeping through the night!  -- Just in time for me to soon begin going back to work!

Right now, little JSL is now on a 2.5 - 3 hour feeding schedule.  So I feed, we play and she naps.  I try to continue this type of schedule throughout the day and of course I have to throw in the continual diaper changes to give you a more accurate picture of what our days consist of.  

What this book has allowed me to do, is to have confidence when she cries that there are only a couple things wrong with her and by me keeping track of times/activities, narrowing down the problem happens pretty intuitively.  

So here's a view into our day!

FEEDING every 2.5 - 3 hours - 

Just finished nursing -- Notice the leftovers on JSL's mouth!

The unhappy diaper change!  -- Gotta LOVE the sad face!

It's ACTIVITY time! -- This is what I always say to her!

She loves the mirror! -- I'll have to manage any vanity that might rear its ugly head.

She's in her BUMBO (we just had storytime) she's getting sleeeppppyyy!!

Lastly....SLEEP time!

And then we start all over again for another 3 hour increment!

I won't say that all is PERFECT, because what the book hasn't given me is how to I get her to sleep through the night in HER bed!!  I usually get her out of her bassinet at 4 or 5AM and put her in our bed for her last nurse.  Putting her back in her bassinet at this point leads to 2 hours (or more) of trying to get her back to sleep!!  My default then....put her in the bed with us!  This aspect of her sleeping HAS to get better!

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