Another Thank you Lawd moment for me! Well since my last post, a few things have happened! Well after my post last week, I showered and prepped for bed. One little thing changed my night. I had felt stomach/gas pains before, but these pains were debilitating and caused nausea, vomitting and light headedness....and of course, Daddy L is gone and I'm home alone. Finally, I got to the point where I called Daddy L to let him in on the pain I was feeling, but I didn't want to alarm him. He was at his weekly poker night with the bruhs, but in lightening speed, it seemed like he was there to rescue me within the hour (mind you, he was already 45 minutes away in Bowie)!
As he entered the house, I was lying on the second floor on my back with my legs elevated on the walls. So in lady-like fashion I call out to him, "don't be alarmed, I'm on the floor when you get up the steps because I can't move!" Needless to say....he was ALARMED!
Action Jackson took over in my husband! He called the obstetrician and after realizing that I literally could not move, he called 911. Once the paramedics got to the house, they came upstairs to get me. They picked me up....and I passed out! Next thing I knew, I was at the bottom of the steps in Daddy L's arms! So they put me on the gurney and took me to the nearest hospital,
Franklin Square.
After a series of tests, we found out that the baby's heartbeat was strong and I'm now in my 8th week. Through all the pain I was feeling, L.L. was unscathed!! Whew, what a blessing! But the next question, what's wrong!?! Short answer...a
ruptured ovarian cyst! So I entered the hospital on Sunday night and was released on Tuesday night. During this time, they drew blood every few hours, hooked me up to an I.V. drip, checked my vitals around the clock and gave me
I.V. Dilaudid. If nothing else, they were THOROUGH!
Now that I'm home, I'm feeling much better! I took off for the week which was hard for me to do, but I knew I couldn't risk overly exerting myself.
Here's a few meaningful expressions of love of I received from my hubby, friends and family.
One of my favorites made by my Hubby,
Grilled Chicken Salad with mixed greens, olives, onions, bell peppers, cranberries, pecans and feta
With my favorite dressing -- Ginger Mandarin Dressing and tasty Tiramasu!!!
Get Better Soon Fresh Flowers
Get Well Wishes!!