I've been absent from this blog, but of course, you know the reason why. Really, I wasn't supposed to continue beyond Jiselle's birth. I only wanted to chronicle my pregnancy to her birth, but I extended it a little longer. Now that I'm at the point that I no longer feel the desire to capture each milestone via this blog, I've found the perfect site to build my blog book!
But of course, before I capture all the thoughts, emotions, and feelings since over this time last year, I had to end this blog with the period to its ending. Because words can longer offer each of these precious moments its due commentary, I will post a few pics that show how this little bundle of joy has turned quickly into her own...in just a short 7 months!
The Ultrasound |
Your 1st Birth Pic |
Day 2 at home |
Tired of all the photo sessions already! |
Even smaller than Nina, the Yorkie |
Playing Dress Up |
Cold and upset after your bath |
So many Expressions |
A Mother's Love |
Mommy/Daughter Nap Time |
Dress Up again! |
Your 1st Easter |
My 1st Mother's Day |
You let me have my body back early! |
Grand Finally meets you! |
Your Baby Blessing |
I enjoy making your food! |
Bouncing in your Tigger Jumper |
Your 1st time at the beach ~ Ocean City, MD |
6 months old - You're natural holding your bottle |
All I can say as I end this blog is....We love you Jiselle!
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